Randy Ruan
Jean-Luc Dinsdale
Francis Puthanangadi
Digital Domain
Compositing Lead
The Rescue
The Rescue was my first show at Digital Domain as comp-lead, duties shared in a 50/50 shot split with Randy Ruan. The show was predominately worked on in the Vancouver studio, with a small sub-section of comp going to the India studio.
It was interesting gaining insights into a different set of visual asthetics in the China film market— we were asked by client to undo our work of matching the visual effects to real-life reference material. “It needs to be really crisp and feel like a video game, we need to see the visual effects!”
Work involved as a comp-lead:
Setting looks and shot work.
Creating setups to deploy across the sequence— Nuke embers, smoke & atmospherics, Eddy volumes, chopper integrations, data-driven mograph HUDs, blue/greenscreens, set extensions and more.
Creating pre-rendered setups to deploy to India.
Assisting compositors in maintaining consistency across shots.
QC and reviews.
Process documentation.